Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Life and Death; or, How to Build a Terrible Deck

Some ideas are just so bad, you have to use them. This is one of them. I'm not saying this is a good deck. In fact, it's a terrible deck. But terrible decks have their place too, and for this idea, this is that place. Let's walk through this idea from genesis to its inevitable, terrible conclusion.

In what seems to be (and could become) a recurring theme, it starts with drafting. How much do you think about the cards you get 14th pick? Maybe you should think more. It's not just about what cards are playable or not. It's not even about what cards make it into your deck. Think about how cards are used. This idea sprouts from one of those types of scenarios.

Consider: Valakut Fireboar. This is not a 14th pick, you say. And you are correct. Bear with me. This is not the card I'm talking about. But it is the context in which the idea is born. Many a drafter has been brought low by the 7 damage this threatens.

Until you consider: Fleeting Distraction. Have you ever had this played against you in a draft? (Or ever for that matter.) But how would you feel if you swung with your Valakut Fireboar only for it to run into this little cantrip? Maybe there's more to it than it seems.

The gears start turning...

Genesis (again)
Just to plant an idea isn't enough. Many ideas fade out as soon as they appear. But sometimes, all it takes is the slightest touch of memory to awaken a dormant idea and bring it back stronger than ever.

A short aside:
My brother and I open a lot of packs. Usually we'll Winston draft, but when we don't have a full 6 (or 7) packs, we "Pack Wars." I've also heard this format called Minimaster or Micromaster. I've also also heard the term used to describe a completely different format. In the format I'm talking about now, you get two people. Open a pack a piece (remove the land and token) and draft those two packs passing between the two of you. Your picks are your deck. You have 20 life, no opening hand, and you have infinite mana. When you need to draw a card and can't, shuffle your graveyard into your library. When a player wins, the losing player gets to remove a card from the winner's deck. Then both players remove another card from their own deck. Keep playing until you get bored.

In "Pack Wars", cantrips are very good, since they occupy essentially no space in your deck and you still at least get to do something while drawing you into what's hopefully a better card. Needless to say, Fleeting Distraction got played pretty often. As the card kept popping up, it gained a foothold in my mind. And it's from this foothold that this terrible, terrible idea came about.

So we have this idea. But it's not quite a full idea. It still needs a place where it can shine. This is an proto-idea that needs a home.

Enter Scars of Mirrodin.

Specifically: Livewire Lash

The gears pick up speed...

We can do something with this. The idea is beginning to take a realy, definite shape. The key to Livewire Lash is that you want (or at least, I want) to cast a bunch of spells targeting creature. And hey! Here's Fleeting Distraction. It targets, it replaces itself, what more could we want? How about... more?

We sift and we pick and choose. A striking combination appears: Twisted Image and Fleeting Distraction. What was that about Valakut Fireboar I mentioned before?

As... well, "terrible" as a two-card combo to kill a 1 power creature is, it's still thrilling to find something like that. Even the worst little synergies can be exciting viewed in the proper context.

So we have it. Using a bunch of cantrips, keep targeting the creature holding a Livewire Lash. And keep doing it and doing it and doing it. And in the meanwhile, draw, draw, draw.

The key to developing an idea is to really explore it. Try as much as you can; try anything you can think of. We have a huge array of options to pick from. Explore them all!

The machine nears completion...

Bearing Fruit
Submitted with no further context, two decks. I say they're terrible (perhaps that's why they appeal to me?), but what about you? Which will you choose? Or will you not choose, and find another execution that's completely new? I'm sure there's one out there...

I want to leave you with one thing. Something of a clarification. I keep saying terrible. I don't mean that as a bad thing at all. I call it terrible because it kind of is. But in another sense, it's intriguing. Being terrible isn't bad. Embrace it! I don't begrudge a terrible idea. In fact, I'll tell you a secret: Sometimes beneath the terrible idea, there's a really good idea waiting to be uncovered.

But this one kind of sucks. It sure is fun though!

Until my next, Think! Let your ideas bear fruit, no matter how terrible.

4 Fleeting Distraction
4 Nighthaze
4 Twisted Image
4 Repel the Darkness
4 Survival Cache

4 Stoneforge Mystic
4 Serra Ascendant
4 Vampire Nighthawk

4 Livewire Lash

24 Lands

4 Distortion Strike
4 Fleeting Distraction
4 Fleeting Distraction
4 Twisted Image
2 Irresistable Prey
2 Snake Umbra

4 Vector Asp
4 Cystbearer
4 Necropede

4 Livewire Lash

24 Lands

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