Tuesday, November 23, 2010

"Thanks!"; or, A Quick One, While He's Away

As I write this, I am several states away from New York City, at my parent's home in Delaware. Ah, vacation! Ah, not having to work! Aaaah, my blog! Okay, so I'm not actually super stressed about updating this, but I don't really have anything new deckbuilding-wise to talk about this week. Well, that's not entirely true, but... we'll see.

I would, however, like to thank some of the people who, directly or indirectly, got me - or, shall I say, us (thank you, readers! (that's one "thank you" out of the way, but I'm getting ahead of myself)) - to where I am (or we are) today. Right now, this instant. Even if that instant is different for every one of you out in Magical Thanksgiving Land.

So, thank you:

To the ManaShift crew - a great bunch of guys (and Izzy) who are making a showing in the M:tG Minor Leagues and hopefully hitting some big scenes soon. You guys (and Izzy) are super-fun and all really smart. Glad to have you around to hang out with or act as a sounding board and also the best people I could have in my corner when I go to a tournement.

To Lauren "Mulldrifting" "Mulldrifter-ing" Lee - You were a big inspiration for me to start this blog. I'm glad things are going awesome, and New York will certainly miss you when you leave us for Virginia.

To Steve Whalen - Thanks for holding the best weekly tournaments in the city. You are the "hotness" while I am stuck in the "jankness" zone. Everything I've accomplished is thanks in part to you and the opportunities that someone like you can provide. You're what's keeping me in Magic week after week.

And to my brother, Robert - He knows why. And also that he BEST WATCH HIMSELF.

No deck this week, but come back next week (or sooner if you're good) for... THE INFINITY GAUNTLET.

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